5 Tips For Staying Healthy On Your Summer Vacation
Find The Balance between enjoying
the vacation lifestyle and Your health Routine
Staying healthy during your vacations is not difficult!
No matter what your summer vacation plans are, staying healthy while traveling is always important and much harder than at home because we are out of our routine, which often helps us to stick with our healthy routines.
Many of us use vacation as an excuse for poor self-care and food choices, thinking they will just get back to their real life when they get home. Having fun and enjoying the food and lifestyle during your vacation is important, that’s where vacations for and that shouldn’t be a reason for a post vacation guilt. The key is, to find a balance between diving into the joy of your vacation and keeping your healthy routines.
Staying healthy during your vacations is not difficult! Do not get overwhelmed and stressed by the idea. All it takes is a little planning ahead and a positive attitude. If we see taking care of ourselves as a hard work, it’s going to get bore real quick. We need to change our perspective and get excited about all the ways we can nourish ourselves while on our vacations. Isn’t that one of the points of taking a vacation in the first place?
Here our 5 easy ways
to stay healthy on your summer vacation
1. Stay hydrated
I know you heard it much more often than other things, but this alone is such an important point to elevate your health and wellbeing.
Traveling, especially flying, dehydrates us. Drinking plenty of water or eating fruits and vegetables which contain a lot of water like cucumber will give us energy and help us stay hydrated.
- If you are out, having a cocktail or two, be sure to double up on the water.
- Take water with you in car trips
- Have always a bottle in your handbag
Tipp: When buying bottled water in plastic, be sure it doesn’t contain BPA. If you’re unsure, glass bottles are the safest bet.
2. Move daily
Summer – Summer – Summer Time…
Vacations Time is also often our lazy time. Which is totally fine, but make sure you integrate some form of exercise each day.
Go for a walk, rent a bike or paddle boat, go for a swim, or take a yoga class.
Look for local activities that will get you outdoors. Find a good balance between chilling and moving. You will not see the country from your lounge chair
Even on chill days, try to do a smooth 10 – 15 minutes Yoga Session.
3. Pack snacks
The feeling to eat something which is nourishing you instead of draining you while you travel can have a big impact on your wellbeing.
It is not easy to get healthy snacks on Airports, Train and gas stations.
Maybe you’re able to find some apples or too ripe bananas, or salty cashews. But to be on the save side, packing your own snacks is always the way to go. Try some of these simple and healthy suggestions.
All of these snack options can be easily packed and travel well. Veggies and hummus, gluten free Crackers, homemade trail mix, gluten and sugar free cookies, dried apple slices and so much more.
It’s easier than ever to get some delicious healthy snacks for the way.
4. Proper Sleep!
It’s vacation time! No appointment, no fix time to be at work or kids having to go to school.
Time to enjoy a good sleep. Getting a good night sleep is always important, and long car tips and plane rides take the energy out of you. So it’s important to get enough sleep and if you find that the night is not enough, take a Siesta.
Be aware of what’s your body is telling you. When he is filled up with energy he will let you know and if he’s not give him time and sleep. Now THAT is my kind of vacation.
5. Unplug
I know how hard it can be to leave your phone or laptop but taking a break from your full time connectivity will help you unwind and enable you to be more present for your vacation.
Why spend hours and hours online when you can take advantage of your new surroundings. Explore the outdoors and don’t lose your hours while keeping up with your friends online —they will all be there when you get back and you have stories to tell.